Hi, my name is Eric and thanks for visiting my site.  I got deathly ill from Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut and healed them.  I’d like to show you what they are and how to cure them as well.  

How many times in life has someone given you advice and they have never been able to accomplish what they are advising you on.  I believe, that if you are going to help someone then you must be able to accomplish what you are advising on.  

Just take a look at my before and after pictures below.  I cured Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut.  I also naturally increased my testosterone level from 405 to 1,055.  

A large portion of the U. S. population has Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut.  I cured these ailments and now want to show you how to cure them as well.  In Ancient Chinese Medicine they called Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut something else, they called it GU Syndrome and they would cure it with Helminth worms.  They would actually eat the Helminth worm and it would recolonize their guts to a healthy state.  The Chinese dictator, Mau, took Gu Syndrome out of Chinese Medicine because he did not want healthy people, they might overthrow him.  






8/19/2022- WHEN I'M FULLY HEALED FROM CANDIDA, SIBO AND LEAKY GUT OR GU SYNDROME.  The picture below is not Eric but Eugen Sandow, I'm almost in that good of shape.  I just have to update the picture.

Height - 6'0 Height - 6'0 Height - 6'0
Weight - 180 Pounds Weight - 210 Pounds Weight - 183 Pounds
Waist - 31 inches Waist - 38 inches Waist - 29 inches
1 Mile run time - 5:04 minutes 1 Mile run time - 8:00 minutes 1 Mile run time - 4:58 minutes
40 yard dash time - 4.45 sec. 40 yard dash time - 5.55 sec. 40 yard dash time - 4.38 sec.
Testosterone level - 832 Testosterone level - 405 Testosterone level - 1,055

I've trained my whole life.  This picture was right before I went to the Philippines for work.  The next picture is what happened to me 2 months later from GU Syndrome or Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut

The change from the first and second picture happened in just 2 months and is from GU Syndrome or Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut.  Just go to Eric's Tests Results above and go the Eric's Medical records at the bottom and go to pages 9-14 for proof of these claims.  Keep in mind pretty much everyone in the World has GU Syndrome or Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut in varying degrees.  My case was severe.

I'm now in the best shape and health of my life by altering the microbiome.  The difference between the second picture and third picture has nothing to do with diet or exercise but microbiome.  Keep in mind I've never taken a steroid in my life.  Steroids create Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut and I'm cured of them which proves I'm not on steroids but healed the Gut.  The improvement is coming from the microbiome and not steroids, diet or exercise.

The only difference between these three pictures is I developed a severe case of GU Syndrome when I went to the Philippines.  GU Syndrome is the same thing as Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut.  Today, I put on 10 pounds of muscle and took off 7 pounds of fat and water from the first and third pictures once I fully healed from Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut.  From the second to the third picture, I put on about 23 pounds of muscle and took off about 40 pounds of fat and water.  

The changes in my body were from my microbiome being altered and had nothing to do with exercise or diet.   Almost everyone in America is developing GU Syndrome or Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut due to antibiotics, big Pharma drugs, processed food, non-nutrient dense soil and pollutants.  People are not fat, their guts are inflamed and their bodies have massive amounts of inflammation.   The pictures really demonstrate the true power of the microbiome and what it can do.  You can read about my story and how I cured here - Eric's Health Story

  • Decreased testosterone.  His testosterone went from 850 to 405 and is now back to 1,055.  His body more than likely can now create the testosterone because the Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut are healed.  
  • 30 pounds of weight gain. He gained 10 pounds in one day and 6 pounds in another day.  He went from 180 pounds to 210 pounds.  He’s now down to 185 pounds but put on roughly 10 pounds of quality solid muscle.  
  • His waist increased from 31 inches at 180 pounds to 38 inches at 210 pounds. He’s now back to 29 inches at 185 pounds with roughly 10 more pounds of muscle.   
  • He had pre-diabetes and is perfectly fine now.  
  • Cardiovascular disfunction - His 1 mile run time went from 5:04 minutes to 8:00 minutes.  He would get winded from walking upstairs.  He’s back to around a sub-5-minute mile and he has roughly 10 more pounds of muscle.  
  • Low body temperature.  His body temperature fluctuated from 95 to 97 degrees.  It should be 98.6, now it is.  
  • Low pulse rate, now it’s fine.  Pulse rate went from 80 BPM to 50 BPM.  
  • Severe brain fog as well as anxiety and depression, which would cycle.  These conditions would get better and then come back but get worse.  He’s perfectly fine now.  Mind is totally clear.  This was because he had no digestion and could not create hormones.   He was deficient in most vitamins and minerals which help to create hormones.  
  • Insomnia – Could only sleep 3 to 5 hours a night.  He would wake up several times in the middle of the night.  He can now sleep 7 to 8 hours and not wake up.  
  • Severe problems with the Bowels.  Constipation, He would go days without producing a bowel movement.  Also, slow urination.
  1. First, just watch the video on The Microbiome
  2. Download the Candida Checklist
  3. Download your Progress Tracking Form to track your progress.
  4. Then just order your Diet and Supplements for Candida.  Once you heal from Candida then move on to SIBO and Leaky Gut and repeat steps 2 to 4 above but for SIBO and then Leaky Gut.  If you have any questions just login to then go to Forums (upper left-hand corner) and then go to Fitness. Good Luck!