My Story is pretty much like everyone else’s story, in regards, to health.  When I was younger, I was healthy, played sports, worked out and was in great shape.  I maintained my health up until I was in my thirties.  I own an energy company and, went to the Philippines for business, and something happened.  

When I came back to the United States, I started gaining weight.  My body weight had always been around 180 pounds and then went to 188 pounds.  Then started to increase to 195 pounds and finally 210 pounds.  In total I gained 30 pounds.  I gained 10 pounds in one day and 6 pounds in another day.  My waist increased from 31 inches to 38 inches and my testosterone levels had decreased from 850 to 405.  This happened within a four-month period since I came back from the Philippines.  I always had good health and had never really been to the doctor or had even really been sick.  

I started to develop other symptoms as well – Severe Brain Frog, Depression, Anxiety, and an inability to concentrate or remember.  I could only sleep about 3 to 5 hours a night and would wake up in the middle of the night.  I also had a loss of energy and motivation followed by severe cardiovascular problems.  My 1 mile run time had dropped from 5:04 minutes to about 8:00 minutes and I then developed pre-diabetes.  My body temperature and pulse rate fluctuated wildly, and my bowels were not functioning.  I had turned into a hot mess of chronic health problems.  

My Brain Fog, Depression and Anxiety would cycle, so, it would come and go.  It would get better then it would come back but worse.  At times it would get so bad I couldn’t pack a suitcase or drive a car.  My mind just couldn’t function the way it used to.  I was in fear that I might lose my business because I just couldn’t mentally function.  

When you have Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut your gut can’t properly digest food which in turn your body won’t create your hormones.  Your brain needs those hormones to function properly and without them Brain Fog, Depression and Anxiety can develop.   

My first thought was that I was developing hyperthyroidism and I made an appointment to see an endocrinologist.  I was amazed when he told me that I was fine and there was nothing wrong with me.  I continued to go to the endocrinologist for nine months, but I saw no improvement and a worsening condition.  

I was really suffering severe health problems and just felt hopeless when the endocrinologist kept telling me I was fine.  During the nine-month period that I went to the endocrinologist I would read at night and would Google my symptoms.  After nine months I finally discovered something called Candida and it fit my symptoms perfectly.  I went back to the endocrinologist and asked him about Candida.  He told me it didn’t exist and that it wasn’t a real medical condition, but I knew I had it.  He refused to test me for it.  

I wanted to test for Candida and just Googled how to get tested for it.  I found an article on Functional Medicine that talked about Candida Testing.  Functional Medicine is a new medical practice where medical doctors actually try to figure out what is wrong with you rather than just drugging you, it’s basically a combination of Eastern and Western Medicine.  I booked an appointment and got a Candida test.  When the results came back, guess what, I had Candida.  

I was incredibly relieved because I could finally start to heal.  The only problem was this, how do you heal Candida.  I continued to see several Functional Doctors but unfortunately I wasn't having success.  At this point I stopped going to a doctor and just tried healing myself.  

At this point, I would read at night and began to experiment with what would work and what wouldn’t on my body.  As time went on, I cured the Candida on a stool test, I would write down and document everything.  Then I discovered I had SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and cured that on a breath test.  Most doctors claim you can’t fully cure SIBO, but I did.  Then I discovered I had leaky gut and I cured that.  Same thing, most Doctors claim you can’t fully cure a leaky gut, but I did.  I have my medical records and before and after tests listed on the Eric's Test Results Tab.  

I wrote down all the protocols I used to heal from my conditions.  I’m convinced the mind and the body are connected.  The body can tell the mind what is wrong and that is basically how I cured myself.  This is how Chinese doctors would heal two hundred years ago.  I would just listen to what my body was telling my mind and it took me six years to figure out how to cure Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut.  

The great news is once you know how to heal these conditions you can speed up the recovery procedure.  You more than likely can heal from Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut anywhere from 1 year to 3 years depending on your condition.  I currently have a pending patent at the U. S. Patent Office on the formulation that I developed to heal Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut.  

After I had healed my conditions, I went to see a Chinese doctor, just for a general checkup and I told him that I had cured Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut.  He laughed and told me that these conditions are just called GU Syndrome in Chinese medicine.  He felt that most Americans have GU Syndrome due to the overpopulation, depleted farm soil, non-nutrient dense food, Big Pharma Drugs, antibiotics, pollutants, food additives and preservatives which have wreaked havoc on the modern human microbiome.  

As time went on and my conditions healed, I got into great shape, in fact the best shape of my life.  If you look at my before and after pictures on the home page, the only difference is that I killed and repopulated certain bacteria, viral loads, and yeast.  There was no difference in my training program or really diet in the before and after pictures.  


I’ve been a gym rat since I was 12 years old, and I have been seriously training and correctly eating my whole life.  I did follow certain diets while I was sick but only to kill certain bacteria, yeast, and viral loads.  


Once I healed, all my symptoms I have listed above just simply disappeared.  Keep in mind Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut can generate hundreds of different symptoms not just the ones I have listed above and almost everyone has Candida, SIBO and Leaky Gut in varying degrees.  


I’m a firm believer that if you heal the gut, you can heal anything, including cancer.  2,000 years ago, Hippocrates said that all disease begins in the gut, and I believe he’s correct.  I learned that the microbiome is an incredibly powerful part of the human body.  If you properly heal it, I feel you can fully restore your health.  


I’m so grateful I discovered the microbiome because I feel it saved my life.  I just think as time went on my condition would have continued to worsen to the point of where I couldn’t function anymore.  


Before I left for the Philippines, my Dad told me not to go and reminded me that my Aunt used to date a man that worked for an Oil company that went to Africa for work.  When he was in Africa, he got sick and within one year he was dead.  The doctors had no idea what was wrong with him.  I feel this would have been my same fate.  I think he also got GU Syndrome and I think so many people in the U.S. are now getting GU Syndrome although a less severe case then mine and his.  


I realized through the entire process that the health care system is broken.  My experience was that doctors, although they have good intentions, aren’t going to heal your underlying condition but only maintain your disease.  Unfortunately, I feel this is how Big Pharma is set up, to drug and to not actually cure the underlying root problem.  


I went through a dark experience with my health problems and fortunately recovered from them.  I feel that so many people are going through this as well and the protocols I have can truly help them.